Fun and games on ArsenalFan TV

Arsenal fan

I’ve been spending too much time recently watching ArsenalFan TV. It’s my guilty pleasure. A bit of indulgence of my part.

ArsenalFanTV is a website that was launched in 2012. The site specializes in filming videos of fans giving their post match reactions outside stadia minutes after the matches are completed. It’s clear to say that reasoned, considered opinion is thin on the ground. ArsenalFanTV is available through YouTube and you can follow the site through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The website has impressive access to players and celebrity Arsenal fans. But the really popular videos are the immediate post match reaction from match going Gooners. The videos have been gaining in popularity. Not least amongst opposing fans who have enjoyed the infighting between the pro and anti Wenger camps this season. The likeable front man Robbie sets up his camera following both home and away games and gives fans a platform to acclaim and tirade against the manager and players in equal measure. Fair to say, there’s been more cursing than praising this season.

While anyone is open to give their point of view, a small select group of fans appear to have monopolized the airwaves. So step forward Claude, Ty, Moh, Bully and DT. A more diverse group of fans would be virtually impossible to assemble. According to Google, we have over 80 million fans worldwide. But it’s a testament to the growing popularity of ArsenalFanTV that the likes of Claude and Ty have become such prominent figures in our fan base.

The mood swings of Claude need to be seen to be believed. Bless him, he looks suicidal following another home defeat (I genuinely feared for him when he posted on periscope after our defeat to Swansea earlier this season) and then following a victory in our next game, you couldn’t find anyone who is more upbeat and happy with life. Ty, the ever optimist who wears the club shop with pride, is a little more balanced and rational.

See Claude’s post match reaction below to that Swansea defeat. Be warned of the offending language. He’s a tortured man……

There’s been a huge amount of tension between our fans this season. Arguments and even fights have broken out following defeats. With another failed attempt to win the league looming, I don’t envy Robbie in his attempts to keep the peace.

So I sense they’ll be some interesting viewing during the coming weeks. The likes of Claude and Ty have been criticised for becoming caricatures of themselves but you can’t doubt their commitment to the club. They must sacrifice so much money and time in supporting a club which has been underachieving for a number of years now. So if they do spout ludicrously extreme opinions, constantly shift opinions on a weekly basis and exhibit wild mood swings, I’m not going to deride them. In an era when Premier League crowds are lacking any semblance of passion or spontaneity, it’s comforting to see an outpouring of such emotion (however groundless some of the views are). 

Just do me a favour and never get Piers Morgan back on the channel. A complete embarrassment to the club.

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