A busy and productive year ahead

I feel great for having survived Xmas and the New Year celebrations. I’ve always liked the month of January. A time to look ahead and look forward to achieving your goals in the year ahead.

A really useful article by Ray Villalobos on LinkedIn has focused my mind on the kinds of new technologies I need to focus my mind on. Ray has produced a number of front-end web development courses on Lynda.com and I can very much recommend signing up to the website. In such a fast changing environment, it must be a challenge to ensure the courses keep pace with the fluid web environment. Ray and his colleagues do a pretty good job.

In his article, Ray has identifed some exciting new developments to come. I’m sure many web developers will take note of his recommendations on what technologies we need to master. The technologies which catch my eye are Flexbox, a new version of Angular and Bootstrap 4. Thankfully, with the updated version of Bootstrap, there will be fewer classes to use (my largest fault I can find with framework).

The task now is to find time to devote quality time to focus on how these new technologies can help simplify my workflow and make me work smarter. Is one of the biggest challenges for web developers; to be disciplined enough to find the time away from your client work. I’m looking forward to the challenges which lie ahead.

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