As you’re probably a little tired of me constantly reminding you…….the pace of change in the field of web development often bewilders and confounds me. The need to keep apace with developments in all things web related forever competes with my aim of keeping paying clients happy. It’s a dynamic and challenging environment to work in. A need to survive and excel in equal measure.
So after mastering HTML and CSS to a pretty decent level and having a good understanding of the basics of JavaScript and jQuery, there was so much more to learn. I enjoyed growing familiar with the major CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation. Throughout this time, I’ve tinkered with a few text editors. I’ve used Brackets, Atom and Sublime Text, before finally settling on the latter.
My experience of using FTP and a web host has increased and I’ve overcome my fear of using the terminal. In fact, I actually welcome the opportunity of using terminal commands. My mastery of git and github continues apace but I’ve yet to really use git within a large development team. The joy of learning SASS to replace vanilla CSS has been a highlight of my learning.
I then moved on to having a good stab at developing a clear, solid web working environment. I’m sure every team of web developers have their own unique environment. This will have been developed over a long time and I’m keen to work with such an experienced team. I decided to learn gulp as opposed to grunt as my chosen task runner but it seems both have been overtaken by Webpack. The need for me to move on to learning React grows by the day. It’s on my list.
The journey continues and I’m enjoying the frustrations as much as the successes I savour in my daily battle to simplify my web development workflow.