‘Talk is cheap. Show me the code.’


This quote by Linus Torvalds is a source of support and reassurance as my education in coding continues. My JavaScript masterly, though has some way to go (I sense I’ll be saying this for sometime to come) but I’ve had a good couple of weeks. What’s really energised me is the fact I’ve enjoyed going to several meet ups in London.

I spent a day with the guys and girls at CodeAcademy on Saturday. We camped in the reception of the Ace Hotel in Shoreditch. It was evidently okay for us to piggy-bank on their wifi and the mood of the place was animated and vibrant. I had ever come across the place before and I had a very productive day. The turnout of coders were not as high as usually is the case by all accounts, but the place was very busy nonetheless. I spent the day ploughing through the Basic Algorithm Scripting exercises on the Free Code Camp site. I got help from more experienced coders and all in all, I went home happy after a good 6 hour JavaScript bonanza.

I then went to the Founders and Coders bi-monthly meet up near Mile End on Monday evening. It was an open session for coders to come together and share their knowledge and experience of coding a variety of languages. I didn’t do much coding during the evening but I got the benefit listening to coders with an advanced knowledge of JavaScript. It confirmed that I seem to be on the right track.

My plans for the coming week can be summarised below:

  • Continue to use Eloquent JavaScript, written by Marijn Haverbeke as my main book resource
  • Complete the video course ‘JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts’ by Anthony Alicea. I found this course on the Udemy site and I’m delighted that it’s so widely regarded amongst coders. It really goes into detail of what is go on ‘under the hood’ with JavaScript and it gives you a real depth to your understanding of the programme. It covers Scope, closures, prototypes, ‘this’, builds your own framework, and more. There’s a total of 85 tutorials encompassing 11.5 hours. It’s a hugely enjoyable and informative course.
  • Work my way through the exercises on FreeCodeCamp and CodeWars

Will keep you all posted of my progress. The ride’s been enjoyable thus far.

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